

万物皆有历史 . . .


The Associate of Arts degree in 历史 is designed to complete the lower division portion of a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and provide a foundation for a wide variety 的职业生涯. 这个文学副学士学位包括保证转学课程和 科罗拉多系推荐的低年级历史核心课程 Higher Education to provide students with basic and applied knowledge in Western Civilization, 世界与你.S. 历史.



“历史是人生的老师.”  ——西塞罗

万物皆有历史. 从我们如何表达情绪到早餐吃什么, every aspect of humans’ lives is shaped by political, environmental, social, and cultural 因素. 随着这些因素的改变,人们的生活也随之改变. og体育的学生 are invited to cultivate in a passion for and a critical understanding of the 过去的 while developing their intellectual, analytical, and rhetorical skills in small class 设置. 我们的课程考察人类历史的丰富性、多样性和复杂性. We help students understand the contested nature of historical knowledge by introducing 它们与历史学家如何解释过去有关. 我们让学生们参与到挑衅的问题中来 historical debate, and familiarize them with the nature and uses of historical evidence. 这种对过去的批判性研究使我们的学生能够接触到更广泛的 human 经验 than any individual could acquire in a single lifetime, making 历史 对文科教育至关重要.


“我们不是历史的创造者. 我们是由历史造就的.” - Dr. 马丁·路德·金.

特立尼达国家致力于多样性、平等和包容. 历史研究 promotes acceptance among peoples by making the world and our lives more intelligible. We believe in the power of a university education to liberate minds, and we are resolute 我们为来自传统边缘化社区的学生提供服务. 我们庆祝 历史的方法,促进包容,并提出具有挑战性的问题 过去的. 我们的小班教学和专门的教师让学生调查他们的 interests more deeply and develop their academic skills under the close supervision 的专家. 我们邀请您和我们一起探索丰富而复杂的历史 人类穿越地球的时间.


“The answer is because we virtually must, to gain access to the laboratory of human 经验. 当我们把它学得相当好,从而获得一些有用的习惯 mind, as well as some basic data about the forces that affect our own lives, we emerge with relevant skills and an enhanced capacity for informed citizenship, critical thinking, 简单的意识.” - 彼得·斯特恩斯,美国历史协会. 阅读更多

The 视角, content, and skills you will gain as a 历史 major or minor will improve your understanding of the complex global world and strengthened your professional 能力. 雇主们寻找的是能够仔细阅读、清晰写作、 think logically, learn independently, work with people across cultural and geographical 观点,并在适当的关键环境中分析问题.

历史研究 cultivates all of these skills as well as develops humanistic empathy, analytical skills of objective investigation, and creative skills of expression 和解释. 大多数人一生中会做六份不同的工作 lifetime, putting a premium on those people who possess critical thinking skills and can process, analyze, and effectively communicate information and ideas both in writing 以及公开演讲. 历史学位将打开通往生活和职业机会的大门 为了你的未来.


The Associate of Arts degree in 历史 is designed to complete the lower division portion of a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and provide a foundation for a wide variety 的职业生涯. 这个文学副学士学位包括保证转学课程和 科罗拉多系推荐的低年级历史核心课程 Higher Education to provide students with basic and applied knowledge in Western Civilization, 世界历史和美国历史.S. 历史. AA学位的完成完成了前两个 years of a bachelor’s 历史学学位, and guarantees transfer at junior standing with no more than 60 remaining credits to meet the graduation requirements for a bachelor’s 历史学学位. 你可以在秋季、春季或夏季学期开始这个项目.


  • 艺术基金经理
  • 档案管理员/馆长
  • 业务
  • 编辑器
  • 高管培训师
  • 外交事务官员
  • 图书管理员
  • 历史学家
  • 历史教授
  • 新闻
  • 法律
  • 立法分析师
  • 市场营销
  • 媒体
  • 小说家
  • 公园保护主义者
  • 政治
  • 公共关系
  • 出版
  • 研究员


  • 2016 Annual median salary for 历史学家s is $76,350; employment is expected to grow 23% by 2024.
  • 2016 Annual median salary for Archivists is $51,440; employment is expected to grow 23% by 2024.
  • 2016 Annual median salary for Curators is $51,380; employment is expected to grow 24% by 2024.
  • 2016 Annual median salary for 法律yers is $118,000; employment is expected to grow 22% by 2024.

我想知道这个项目是否适合你? 在网上寻找潜在的职业 at 美国职业信息网, 劳工统计局,或者美国心脏协会 历史学家的职业多样性.



  • 分析第二手资料,认识历史解释的差异
  • 通过识别连续性和变化的模式来构建历史叙事 
  • 有效的口头和书面沟通
  • De-construct complex and multiple sources of information into basic historical concepts.
  • Evaluate the types of primary sources,ir perspective, and purpose of their authors.
  • 确定趋势、事件、人物、群体、文化和机构
  • Investigate 事件 in human history in specific contexts to illustrate how social, cultural, gender, race, religion, nationality, and other identities affect historical 视角.
  • Select and apply contemporary forms of technology to solve problems or compile information
  • Use diverse resources for historical research, including libraries, databases, bibliographies, 和档案.


本课程为保证转学(GT)课程(保证转学课程名单). GT programs enable all college students to complete their first two years of college 然后转到科罗拉多的任何一所公立大学读大三. 它是 叫做DWD项目(指定学位). 这个程序可以节省你的钱和 time. 一定要 与顾问交谈 在选择课程时,确保你能按时完成你的学位 你需要的课程.

og体育首存活动获得两年制学位可以获得四年制学位 ...

  • 亚当斯州立大学
    文学士,历史,人类学, & 政治学:历史)
  • 科罗拉多梅萨大学
    (BA, 历史; 历史 or Secondary Education concentrations)
  • 科罗拉多州立大学柯林斯堡分校
    (BA, 历史; General 历史 concentration)
  • 科罗拉多州立大学普韦布洛分校
    (BA, 历史; General emphasis; Bachelor of Science, 历史; General emphasis)
  • 路易斯堡学院
    (BA, 历史; United States Option)
  • 丹佛大都会州立大学
  • 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校
  • 科罗拉多大学科罗拉多斯普林斯分校
  • 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校
  • 北科罗拉多大学
    (BA, 历史; Liberal Arts emphasis) 
  • 西部州立科罗拉多大学

Recently, National Park Ranger Sydney Stover attended a class on the 谷校园 并讨论了西班牙征服者进入圣路易斯谷期间 1500年代. 他还讲授了当今的历史保护工作 圣路易斯谷.




  • 他1110:世界:古代-1500:HI1
    Explores trends within 事件, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in World 历史 从古代到1500年.
  • HIS 1120:世界:1500-现在:HI1
    Explores trends within 事件, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in World 历史 以及1500年以来共同的文化趋势.
  • 他的1210:美国历史到内战
    探索事件、民族(包括印第安人)、群体、思想、 以及北美和美国的机构进行重建.
  • 他的1220:美国内战后的历史
    探索自1960年以来的事件、民族、群体、思想和机构的趋势 美国内战.
  • 1310:西方文明:古代-1650
    探索西方事件、民族、群体、思想和制度的趋势 从古代到1650年的文明.
  • 西方文明:1650年至今
    探索西方事件、民族、群体、思想和制度的趋势 1650年以来的文明.
  • 2005年世界历史上的女性
    Examines the roles, 经验s, and contributions of women in world history and explores ways in which women's history modifies the traditional interpretations of historical 事件.
  • 他的2015:20th 世界历史
    Investigates the major political, social, and economic developments, international 人际关系、科学突破和文化趋势塑造了 various global regions, empires, and nation-states since the late nineteenth century.
  • HIS 2105美国女性.S. 历史
    检视女性在美国历史上角色的转变. 它探索了女性的本质 妇女在家庭、政治、宗教和文化方面的工作和参与 活动和社会改革运动.
  • HIS 2110非裔美国人历史
    探索殖民时期非裔美国人的经历和贡献 period to the present through the social and economic lives and roles of African Americans, their roles in politics and war,ir achievements, and movements for self-help and 公民权利.
  • he 2115:美国印第安人历史
    Analyzes historical and socio-cultural change for Native Americans from pre-colonial 从美国到现在,强调这些过程和与非土著的关系 造成当前状况的美国人.
  • he 2130:美国西部历史
    Traces the history of the American West from Native American cultures to the present. It explores the frontier 经验s of America's earliest, eastern settlers through the Trans-Mississippi West across the great exploratory and wagon trails including 城市、牧场、保留地、资源管理和工业.
  • 他的2135:科罗拉多历史
    Presents the story of the people, society, and cultures of Colorado from its earliest Native Americans, through the Spanish influx, explorers, fur traders, mountain men, gold rush, railroad builders, cattlemen and farmers, silver boom, 游客和现代国家.


“I loved the [HIS 1310] class… The lectures were very engaging, templates, and assignments encourages 学习, and the group setting was an excellent introduction 去我的大学.”

“我很喜欢这门(HIS 1310)课. 这门课绝对是对我的挑战... 老师 总是提供很好的反馈,帮助我在作业中取得更好的成绩.”

“[Dr. Boone is] a very wonderful professor, engaging and patient and importantly thorough 在解释.”

“Dr. 保罗·布恩是一位出色的教授,也是这所大学的财富.”